Oldtown Calendar
Thank you for your interest in the Oldtown Calendar!
The Eliot Church started the Oldtown Calendar Project almost twenty years ago as a way to celebrate this community, and the beauty and history around us, and the creativity of our photographers. Our community is better because of their passion and creativity. It all starts with their perspectives which every year are new, and different, and exciting. The 2024 Oldtown Photo Calendar Competition featured almost 100 images submitted by 40 photographers. 176 people cast ballots. Wow!
We hope to see you at the 2025 Oldtown Photo Calendar Competition, our 20th annual event. To join our invitation list, email theoldtowncalendar@gmail.com
Now is the time to order your copies of the 2025 Calendar (link to the right!)
Order Your Copy of the 2025 Oldtown Calendar – The Perfect Gift!
While you’re here, now is the time to order your copies of the new Oldtown Calendar, the perfect holiday gift for friends and family who love this area! Our new Calendar features the winners of the 2023 competition. Order here (credit card or PayPal) and we’ll mail it to you. $20 plus postage. Calendars will ship after our show.
You may purchase your calendars in person at the Bacon Free Library, Morse Institute Library, Natick Service Council, or the Eliot Church to directly benefit those organizations. Calendars are also available for sale at the Charles River Coffee House and Tilly & Salvy’s Bacon Street Farm.
Questions? Email theoldtowncalendar@gmail.com